Your water. Perfected.

Hard Water
Prevent build-up of film on tubs, sinks, faucets, and wall tiles. Eliminate water spots on glassware and dishes. Use less household soap and cleaners. Ease skin ailments such as itching and irritation. Have softer skin and hair.

Does your water smell or taste like chlorine? Municipal water plants use chlorine to treat your water supply. Remove unpleasant chlorine before it comes into affects your family through bathing, cooking, washing and drinking.

Scale Buildup
Extend the life of your appliances like dishwashers, water heaters and clothes washers by reducing the build-up of scale in heating elements and pipes. Simultaneously reduce white-crusty deposits on fixtures around the house.

Protect your family from harmful chemicals like lead, mercury, asbestos, arsenic, and pfos/pfas. Get clean, safe water for drinking, cooking, coffee/tea, and baby formula. No need to haul wasteful plastic bottles from store.

Iron & pH
Treat problem water by eliminating iron. Neutralizing acidic water by raising the pH of your water and reap the benefits for your home and family. Enjoy the enhanced flavor that alkalinity adds to your clean drinking water.