If you were looking for a sign to get a water softening system installed in your home…THIS IS IT!

Well, actually, there are probably several signs that could be showing you that you need a water softener, which is what brought you to this page in the first place…so let’s discuss a few of these issues and see how a water softener can solve them!

Texas is known for having moderately hard water. In fact it’s in the top 5 states with the hardest water…

So that means you have most likely experienced some if not all of the signs we will be listing below that show proof of hard water issues.


Dishes Coming Out Foggy


Are your dishes coming out of the dishwasher looking worse than when they went in?

A big sign of hard water is foggy, spotty glasses. You might have chalked it up to having a poorly running dishwasher; but it’s not the machine it’s actually the water!  

This can also happen when your hand wash your dishes as well. You might clean them with the highest quality soap only to see them on the drying rack covered in a film or fog.

Softening systems can eliminate the fogginess and film left on your kitchenware so you won’t need to go through the steps of wiping them down again after they’ve already been cleaned!


Buildup In The Bathroom


Mineral buildup and soap scum can make your relaxing shower atmosphere a stressful one because you’re always trying to combat the problem with sprays, foams and scrubbing!

Shower head constantly clogged and covered in build up? We know you’ve tried that trick with the vinegar and lemon juice in the ziploc bag tied around the shower head.

But why go through all that extra effort if you can reduce or even eliminate the build up with a softener system? Not only will your shower sparkle again, it will help your skin and hair stay healthy and shiny!

Did you know? Hard water can dull hair and dry out skin causing it to be more susceptible to irritation and itching?


Water Softener In Texas


Laundry Looking Dull?


We know that all clothes will wear with age and washing, but not within a few wash cycles. If your clothes are coming out looking dull and dingy, again, it’s probably not your machines, it’s your water!

Minerals, like calcium and magnesium which are what make the water “hard” actually react with the detergent and leave mineral deposits on clothing, causing the fabrics to feel stiff and cause the colors to fade more quickly!

When installing water softener you’ll eliminate those pesky minerals and keep your clothes looking newer, longer!


Hot Water Heater Needs Replaced Before It’s Time


In a previous blog we discussed how your water heater could suffer the consequences of hard water and needing to be replaced before its lifespan has been reached.

Typically, a water heater can last anywhere from 8-12 years. However, hard water problems can cut that lifespan in half due to the corrosion, limescale and mineral buildup in the tank.  

Save your water heater and even extend its life with a water softening system. Invest in a system that will increase your water quality and keep your home, family and appliances cleaner, rather than invest in a new water heater every few years!


Tankless Water Heater Needs Frequent Descaling


You may have a modern tankless water heater, but that doesn’t save you from the perils of hard water. If your plumber is coming out to descale your water heater more than once a year, you’re already losing money thanks to hard water! Not only are you spending money on the descaling, your water heater is most likely not running as efficiently as possible, which also means you’re probably spending more money on your utility bills than you should!

Scale back on the descaling and decrease your bills by installing a water softener system! Yes, it’s that simple! You won’t have all that build up and then you’ll only have to do yearly descaling for maintenance.


Ready To Invest In A Water Softener? Let EcoWater Texas Help!


If you live in Dallas, Fort Worth or surrounding areas, let our team at EcoWater Texas install your Water Softening System. This system will elevate the quality of your drinking water and give you exceptional water throughout your home. You’ll experience better results when it comes to bathing, cleaning your dishes, washing clothes and more!  

Want to talk more about the benefits of eliminating hard water in your Texas home? Contact us today to get started!